Nuclear energy town hall meeting invites public questions

March 22, 2011

DATE: 1-3 p.m. March 26, 2011.EVENT: A town hall meeting about nuclear energy. The public is invited to pose questions to a panel of University of Michigan nuclear engineering professors and a scientist from a national laboratory. In light of the recent events in Japan, panelists welcome questions about the current situation overseas, nuclear safety, licensing, research, proliferation and waste management or other topics.Panelists are:? John Lee, a professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences.? Bill Martin, a professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences.? Kim Kearfott, a professor in the departments of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, as well as Radiology at the U-M Medical School.? David Dixon, a scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory.? Moderator James Holloway, a professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences and associate dean for undergraduate education at the College of Engineering.PLACE: Auditorium 3 in the Modern Languages Building at 812 E. Washington St, Ann Arbor. A map and directions are at: Event parking in the Fletcher Structure is $5.SPONSOR: This is organized by the U-M student section of the American Nuclear Society.